Student Information

Important Information for Hapkido Students

ICHF Membership

ICHF Membership Information

In order to be promoted in rank, a Combat Hapkido student must have an up-to-date membership card in the ICHF. Expiration date is noted on your card. Students must post a valid card on test day. No exceptions. It is the responsibility of students to keep membership up to date. You will receive an email from GHMA approximately one month prior to expiration date, asking for authorization for a one-time payment to be made via PaySimple for ICHF renewal.

New Students

1 year membership is $50 or 3 year membership is $145. You will be asked to authorize (via email) one of these charges to be made from the account you have on file with PaySimple. GHMA processes your ICHF registration and will hand out your membership card when received.

Class Apparel

Students must wear a school T shirt and black trousers or leggings, no pockets. Black shorts are acceptable in summer. A stripe is acceptable but not recommended. No hoodies except when authorized by the instructor for special self-defense classes.
School Shirt

You will be asked to authorize (via email) a one-time payment of $15 from the account you have on file with PaySimple, and given your shirt before or after your first class.


We suggest but do not require Gladiator 8 oz. Combat Pants, black, from Asian World of Martial Arts.
( - SKU 32210)


Students must bring mouthpiece and shin guards to class. Failure to have such will result in a student being held out of certain elements of training.

Only headgear purchased from our supply is authorized $40.You will be asked to authorize (via email) a one-time payment of $40 from the account you have on file with PaySimple.


A mouthguard is required. AWMA sells a variety of options as do other suppliers.

Shin Guards

Shin guards are required. We suggest but do not require Pro Force shin guards, which may be found at AWMA in a variety of sizes (SKU 9693).

How to tie your belt

Need to know how to tie a karate belt or obi? Here is a method with step-by-step diagram that will eliminate the cross-over on the backside of the belt. This method can be used for for tying a karate belt, taekwondo belt, jiujutsu belt, or most any other martial arts belt.

Start by holding the label end of the belt across your abdomen, in front of you with your right hand. It should hang a couple of inches longer than the length you want the belt to be when it is tied. Wrap the other end of the belt behind you and around your waist with your left hand.

Wrap the belt around your waist a second time while maintaining the position of the label end of the belt.

Tuck the non-label end of the belt under both layers and up. Pull both ends to tighten the knot. The label end of the belt should still be on your left side.

Fold down the non-label end of the belt.

Tuck the label end of the belt under the other end and over to your right side.

Loop the label end of the belt around the other end and through the knot.

Pull to tighten the knot. If the belts ends are not the same length, untie the knot and adjust the length.